Tour of the Vakhtangov Theatre in Greece (Athens).

21 February 2013

play “Masquerade”(M.Lermontov)
staged by RimasTuminas
was performed at the Badminton theatre on February 22, 23, 2013.
Scenography -AdomasYacovskis. Costumes -MaximObrezkova. Composer -FaustasLatenas. A legendaryWaltzby AramKhachaturian
sounds in the performance.The cast: Evgeny Knyazev, Maria Volkova/OlgaNemogay,LidijaVelezheva,LeonidBichevin, Yury Shlykov, Oleg Lopukhov/
VictorDobronravovetc.Thisis the secondtour of the theaterin Athens withRimasTuminas’ production. After a successfultouringin 2012 inGreecewith the production “Uncle Vanya”, the theatre was invited once moreto the Theatre’s
historic homeland.On the eve ofthe tourRimasTuminassaid that
theVakhtangov theatrehad had a
specialexcitement about meetingof
the Athenianaudience:”Athenian
audience is very educated,
understanding and readingtheatrical