Pelléas and Mélisande – Premiere in the First Studio of the Vakhtangov theatre.

7 February 2014

The First Studio of Young Actors of the Vakhtangov Theatre deliberately takes the most risky experiments. Its repertoire already includes “The Birds” by Aristophanes , ” Six Characters in Search of an Author” by L. Pirandello.

And now a new premiere is on its way – the drama “Pelléas and Mélisande”which was once given by critics the definition of “dramaturgy of silence, insinuation and innuendo”. However, the creators of the production composed a stylish, mysterious, and full of modern poetry and music history of ideal lovers. Despite the grim fairy-tale way of narration, this is a romantic parable of the highest feelings, which are destined to die in the harsh world of people covered by no less strong passions, based on envy, jealousy, greed, selfishness and fear. Not with standing the dramatic final, “Pelléas and Mélisande” internally is a light production filled with indomitable energy and vivid imagination of its young actors.