‘Russian Seasons’ in Italy

26 November 2018

Rimas Tuminas about our participation in the Festival:

“There are significant people who influence our life not necessarily entering it. One of my distance teachers is Eugene Vakhtangov, the other one is Anatoly Efros (though much closer), the third one is Giorgio Strehler. I’ve seen his performance ‘Il Campiello’ several times. It was a visual and technical miracle. And there was an artificial snow, I grabbed a bit of it after the performance. Afterwards this small snowball became my talisman. That’s why it is snowing in ‘Eugene Onegin’ and in the ‘Masquerade’. Strehler’s sense of theatre style and culture taught us to admire life. Not only the theatre but the whole life. Russians frequently arrive in Italy. The best Russian poets and writers believed Italy to be their second Motherland. Our cultural bonds are very strong. One might say that our countries are in love with each other. And the ‘Russian Seasons’ in Italy is the sincerest proof of it”.


‘Russian seasons’ is a significant event that opens new opportunities for multicultural dialogue. During the festival Russian art is presented in different countries. In 2017, ‘Russian seasons’ Festival was successfully held in Japan, in 2018 the Festival comes to Italy.

‘Eugene Onegin” runs on the 28/11/2018 and 29/11/2018: https://www.piccoloteatro.org/en/2018-2019/le-stagioni-russe-in-italia-evgenij-onegin