‘STEFAN ZWEIG. SHORT NOVELS’ takes part in the Chekhov Festival

6 June 2019

The Chekhov Festival is promoting and presenting the best Russian theatre performances at the most prestigious global performing arts forums. At the same time the Festival brings outstanding examples of of the European, American and Asian theatre to Russia. This is the international cultural mission of the Festival.

The Vakhtangov Theatre participates in the XIV edition of the Festival with the production ‘STEFAN ZWEIG. SHORT NOVELS’.

The production is staged by young graduates of the Artistic Director Studio led by Rimas Tuminas.

Gulnaz Balpeisova offers her version of ‘Leporella’, Anatoly Shuliev invites the public to ‘The Enforcement’, Vladimir Beldiyan staged ‘Invisible collection’, and Hugo Eriksen produced ‘Chess novelet’.

Young stage directors bring to stage novelets written by Stephan Zweig in various periods of his life. All together these novelets form a chronological chain of stories, heroes of which love, suffer and experience new soul feelings.