Important! QR codes are necessary for visiting theatre

25 October 2021

Dear visitors!

In accordance with the government decision (Decree No. 62-UM form the 21 of October, 2021), from October, 28 all spectators are to provide a QR code at the entrance.

A QR code can be presented as a printout or on a smartphone screen.

QR codes are available for foreign visitors who have a negative PCR test. Such QR-code is valid for three days from the date of registration analysis results in the laboratory. Undergoing PCR testing is required in one of the laboratories in Moscow connected to the Unified Medical Information and Analytical System (UMIAS).

We are sorry, but the directions are strict. Theatres are not allowed to accept any other medical documents, foreign certificates and etc. Only QR codes registered at UMIAS are valid.

We do understand that it is an inconvenience for our guests. Times are hard indeed. And at the Vakhtangov Theatre we’ve decided the following:

viewers who do not have a QR code and for some reason cannot get a QR code can return tickets and get the refund of a full ticket price before the 1st of November. Please, contact us by e-mail:

Important: you are to apply for a refund no later than November 1st.

Spectators under 18 years old do not need to provide QR codes.