Alexander Gabovich

Alexander Markovich Gabovich was born in 1907.In 1926-1937 he was an actor of Ruben Simonov’s Theatre-Studio, at the same time headed the curriculum department there.In 1939-1956 he was an actor and director of the Vakhtangov Theatre and its front-line branch, where he took part in directing of nearly all performances: “Honeymoon Trip” (1942, jointly with A. Remizova), “Immortal” (production – Anna Orochko, direction – Alexander Gabovich, 1942), “Our reporter” (staging by A. Orochko and A. Remizova, 1942) and concert programmes.In 1948 he staged at the Vakhtangov Theatre I.S. Turgenev’s play “On the Eve”.In 1955 — “Svetlaya” by V. LavrentyevAlexander Markovich Gabovich died in 1974.

Honeymoon Trip, 1942 – jointly with A. Remizova
Immortal, 1942 – director (production – Anna Orochko)
Our reporter, 1942 – director (staging by A. Orochko and A. Remizova)
On the Eve, 1948 – production
Svetlaya, 1955 – production