Ivan Fedotov

Honoured artist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Stalin AwardTheatre artist I.S.Fedotov was born in1881. In 1901 graduated from the Stroganov School and began working in the Moscow Private Russian Opera. In 1908-1917 – an artist in the Zimin Opera House. After the Revolution worked on a number of plays in different theatres in Moscow, St.Petersburg and Kiev. In 1934-1951 was an artist in the Central Academic Theatre of the Russian Army. Fedotov was a genuine expert in stagecraft. A great influence on his professional way had been made by A.D.Popov. In the Vakhtangov theatre he created the decorations for “First Joys” by K.Fedin (1950).Ivan Segreevich Fedotov died in 1951.

State award (1951) for decorations for “Unforgettable 1919” (1949)

“First Joys” by K.Fedin (1950)

The Komissarjevsky’s Theatre: Children of the Sun, 1905
Zimin’s Opera: Henry VIII, 1911, The Hebrew, 1914, The Captain’s Daughter, 1914

Central Academic Theatre of the Russian Army: The Bourgeouis, 1935
Parkhomenko, 1941
Long Ago, 1942
The Dancing Master, 1946
For those at the sea 1947
The conscience, 1950
On the other side, 1948
Moscow Art Theatre: Diamonds, 1947
Kiev Franko Theatre :
Platon Krechet, 1935
Central Children Theatre:
Craftsmen city, 1944
Maly Theatre:
A Great Power, 1947
Unforgettable 1919-й, 1949