Petr Fomenko

People’s Artist of the Russian federation, Honoured Artist of the Soviet Union, Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation

Pyotr Naumovich Fomenko was born July 13, 1932 in Moscow.

In 1955 he graduated from the philological department of The Moscow State Pedagogical University, and in 1961 from the directing department of The Russian University of Theatre Arts (Nikolay Gorchakov’s course, course masters Nikolay Okhlopkov and Andrey Goncharov).

In 1972-1982 worked as a director and a principal director at The Nikolay Akimov Saint-Petersburg Comedy Theatre.

Since 1982 worked at The Mayakovsky Theatre.

Pyotr Fomenko staged plays in The Satirikon Theatre, Taganka Theatre and in foreign theatres (Poland, Austria and France).

Since 1983 Fomenko taught at The Russian University of Theatre. In 1988 he began staging his plays in The Vakhtangov Theatre, and in the middle of the 1990s founded his own theatre (The Pyotr Fomenko Theatre).

In the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater:
Mad from Chaillot (Stage director-producer)
Bride (Production and Direction)
War and Peace. The beginning of the novel (the author of stage adaptations, Production)
Wolves and Sheep (Production)
Egyptian Nights (Production)
What a pity … (Stage director)
One absolutely happy village (Stage director)
He was the titular counselor (The scenes)
Forgive us, Jean-Baptiste! (Jourdain-Jourdain) (Accessory-opponent)
Family Happiness (Author compositions and Stage director-producer)
Three Sisters (Stage director-producer)

Participation in the movies:
Thomas. A kiss through the glass (documentary), 2007
To remember … (Documentary), 1998
Alex Eybozhenko, 1998

Stage director
Wolves and Sheep (photoplay), 2004
One absolutely happy village (photoplay), 2003
Tanya-Tanya (photoplay), 2001
Belkin. The Undertaker (photoplay), 1991
Trips to the old car, 1985
Belkin. Snowstorm (photoplay), 1984
This lovely old house (photoplay), 1983
Belkin. Shot (photoplay), 1981
Almost a funny story, 1977
Spring Love (photoplay), 1977
In the rest of his life, 1975
Childhood. Adolescence. Youth (photoplay), 1973

Belkin. Snowstorm (photoplay), 1984
Childhood. Adolescence. Youth (photoplay), 1973