Pyotr Williams

Pyotr Williams was born 17 (30) April, 1902 in Moscow to a family of an American scientist and techinician V.R.Williams who naturalized in Russia in 1896года. Since 1909 he attended Meshkov’s Studio. In 1918 for a short time was a student of a medical faculty in the Moscow State University. In 1919—1924 attended the lessons of such professionals as V.V.Kandinskiy, I.I.Mashkov, K.A.Korovin, D.P. Shterenberg that worked in Higher Art and Technical Studios. In 1922 he took part in creation of an experimental Museum of scenery Art. In 1922—1924 was a member of “concretizing” group that were the founding fathers of ОХСТ (1925—1930).Professor of the Moscow Institute of Applied and Decorative art (1947).Since 1929 worked as a theatre artist. In 1937-1941 created stagecraft for a number of plays in the Vakhtangov. Since 1941 – the head artist of the Mariinsky Theatre, created emotional and stylistically complete decoration for such plays as “Wilhelm Thell”, “Ivan Susanin”, “Cinderella”, “Romeo and Juliettw” and others.  Pyotr Williams died 1 July, 1947.

The big day, 1937
The governmental inspector, 1939
Don Quixote, 1941