Rimas Tuminas is a Winner of the International Stanislavsky Award for the year 2012
Rimas Tuminas’ production “The Haven” staged as a celebration of the Vakhtangov Theatre’s Anniversary, was one of the winners in the category “Event of the season”.
Rimas Tuminas’ production “The Haven” staged as a celebration of the Vakhtangov Theatre’s Anniversary, was one of the winners in the category “Event of the season”.
“Moskovsky Komsomolets”, summing up the pasttheater season’s events, announced the laureates of thetheater award”MK”Sezon-2011/2012 establishedby this well-known newspaper.
In the category “Best Ensemble” – the production “The Haven”, “Best Actress” – Galina Konovalova, “Best Actor” – Vladimir Etush.
by the anniversary of death of its author, a famous theater critic Natalia Kazmina.
Excursion duration – 1 hour.
The Vakhtangov theater is already celebrating its 91 anniversary.
September 25 (Tuesday), 2012 at 2.00 p.m. on Novinsky Boulevard, 18
September 12, 2012