Matryona’s Home


1 hour 40 minutes without intermission

The premiere held on 2008. 04. 13

For the The 90th Anniversary of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’sbirth

A small story by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn “Matryona’s home” that was written half a century ago and first published in 1963 in the “Novy Mir” literary magazine became a great event in the literary world. This is a true story of a simple woman who is modest, conscious and has a tender, generous heart.

“We have all been living close to her but never realized that she was the most righteous, the one who holds every village and town and the whole world.”

The idea of ??creating a stage version of the story belongs to Alexander Mikhailov, who had been living with this idea for a long time before he decided to share it with Professor of the Shukin Institute Vladimir Ivanov. Desires matched.

Vladimir Ivanov has a rare directorial skill of making deep psychological analysis and superfine formulation of characters without losing author’s intonation. This skill was useful during the work with Solzhenitsyn’s prose. The performance “Matryona’s Home” was born due to the forces of The Shukin Theatre School graduates Aleksandr Mikhailov and Elena Mikhaylova, artist Maksim Obrezkov and director Vladimir Ivanov, who is the author of the stage version of the story.

The premiere of the performance took place on the Small stage on the 13thof April 2008. Natalia Solzhenitsyna highly appreciated this work.The performance “Matryona’s Home” coincides with the 90thanniversary of birth of the great writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Running time: 1 hours 40 min.

The play is recommended for audience older than 16 years (16 +).


  • 20 February, Thursday, 19:30

  • 27 February, Thursday, 19:30

  • 13 March, Thursday, 19:30

  • 20 March, Thursday, 19:30

  • 27 March, Thursday, 19:30

  • 10 April, Thursday, 19:30

  • 15 April, Tuesday, 19:30

  • Ticket price: from 1800 to 2500 rub.

Premiere was on 13 April 2008

Characters & Cast:

Matryona Elena Mihaylova
Ignatich Aleksandr Mihaylov


Stage version author and director Vladimir Ivanov
Author of the idea Aleksandr Mihaylov
Set design and costumes Maxim Obrezkov
Music Tatiana Agaeva
Vocal consultant Svetlana Ignatiyeva
Make-up artist Olga Kalyavina
Lighting designer Elena Shumova