Nilolay Kharitonov

Nikolay Nikolayevich Kharitonov worked at the Vakhtangov Theatre from 1933 till 1941.

White Guard officer (Intervention, 1933)
1st worker (The Man with a Gun, 1937)
Derzhimorda (The Government Inspector, 1939)

An Unusual Summer, 1956
The road goes into the distance, 1959
Morning Once More, 1960
Motley Stories (TV drama), 1961
Old resident, 1961
The Sinful Angel, 1962
Town of Masters, 1965
The five from the sky, 1969
The Usual Arctic, 1976
If I fall in love.., 1976

Khronika odnogo dnya, 1963
The five from Fergana, 1963
Turn Back Along the Way, 1963
Storm Over Asia, 1964