Vasiliy Lanovoy

National Artist of the USSR, Laureate of the Lenin Prize

National Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Was born on January 16, 1934 in Moscow.

Graduated from B.V. Schukin Theater School in 1957, course of Ts.L. Mansurova.

In the same year was admitted to the company of Evg. Vakhtangov Theater.

Professor, head of Department of Art of Declamation of B.V. Schukin Theater School.

Since 2004 V.S. Lanovoy has been a member of Russian Organization Committee “Victory”.

Since 2006 V.S. Lanovoy has been a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

For more than 10 years Vasily Semenovich Lanovoy has been in charge of International Children’s Film Festival “Artek”.

In 1995 Vasily Lanovoy took charge of public fund “Army and Culture” which had been founded as a voluntary union of creative community for patriotic education of youth and support of soldiers of Russian Army. The collective directed by the most popular “officer” of Russia has conducted more than 800 charity concerts and meetings in military units, including in “hot spots” – in Chechnya, Abkhazia, Transdniestria, and Tajikistan. The fund has participated in cultural-charity actions “Saving Russia”, “Winged Guard – Pride of Russia” (in honor of the 70-th anniversary of airborne troops). One of the main lines of activity of the organization is “Hospital Program”. Fund “Army and Culture” renders corporate assistance to soldiers treated in military hospitals of Moscow, Tula, Ryazan, Main Hospital of Internal Troops of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Unofficial site of Vasily Lanovoy:

Achievements in the Fatherland (III, IV degrees, 2009, 2004)
Nations Friendship (1994)
Honour Award (2001)
Moscow Komsomol Award (1972) for the heroic characters
Ministry of Home Affairs Afairs (1984) (for the role in Start the Demolishing)
KGB Award (1983) (for the role in Fight at the crossroads)
Lenin’s Award (1979) (voicing of World War II)
Russian National Actors’ Award Figaro (2012)(«For the loyal work»)
“Kristal Turandot” Award for or Honour, Virtue and Valorous Service to the Theatre Art, 2016

Baklanov (Internal )
Fortinbrass (Hamlet)
Lambros (Angela)
Laura’s Guest (The Little tragedies)
Don Guan (Stone Guest)
Qualaf (Princess Turandot)
Pas De Trois (Cinderella)
Egmont (Before the sunset)
Adjunct (Foma Gordeev)
Victor (Irkutsk Story)
Claudius (Dion)
Mayakovsky (Konarmia)
Protasov (Children of Sun)
Kamshatov Senior (Coronation)
Samsonov (Man with a gun)
Pushkin (Komandor’s Steps)
Caesar (Antony and Cleopatra)
Victor Petrovich (From the business lady’s life)
Leon Glembaj (Gospoda Glembaji)
Ognev (The Front Line)
Knoris (End of Squadron)
Sagadeev (The Thirteenth Chairman)
Roland (Old Russian Vaudevilles)
Kazanova (Kazanova’s Three Ages)
Fabiano (Maria Tudor)
Trotsky (Treaty of Brest)
Henry (Lion in Winter)
G.Bernard Show (Nice Liar)
Abel Znorko (Dedication to Eve)
Frederick Lementre (Frederick of the Crime Boulevard)
Father (Last moons)
Pushkin (The Нaven)

Graduation certificate, 1954
Pavel Korchagin, 1956
300 years ago 1956
Stronger than hurricane, 1960
Scarlet Sails, 1961
Trip with tigers, 1961
Colleagues 1963
Abetting in the murder (TV-play), 1964
I go to the thunder, 1965
War and Peace, 1965-1967
Anna Karenina, 1967
No password needed, 1967
North-West of Berlin (TV-play), 1967
Solyaris (TV-play), 1968
The 6th of July, 1968
Working Trip(TV-play), 1969
Lyubov Yarovaya, 1970
Officers, 1971
Turandot (TV-play), 1971
Thousand Souls (TV-play), 1971
50-50 1972
Irkutsk Story, 1973
Seventeen Moments of Spring, 1973
Northern Fleet Shipboy, 1973
Anna and Commandor, 1974 г.
Hello Doctor, 1974
Konarmia (TV-play), 1975
Days of the Turbins, 1976
Freedom soldiers, 1976
Meeting at the remote meridian , 1977
The Bourgeois Gentleman (TV-play), 1977
Weird lady, 1977
Man with a gun (TV-play), 1977
Gpspoda Glembaji(TV-play), 1979
Ogaryova, 6, 1980 г.
Petrovka, 38, 1980
Fight at the crossroads, 1982
Start the demolishing, 1983
The Loss, 1987
The Thirteenth Chairman (TV-play), 1987
Treaty of Brest (TV-play), 1989
Bes v Rebro, 1990 г.
Sudden Visits, 1992
Tear of the Knight of Darkness, 1992
Black Square 1992
The things of life, 1992-1997
The fall, 1993
Baryshnya Krestyanka, 1995
Unknown Weaponry, , 1998
One Love of My Soul , 1999
Tale of chivalry, 2000
Nice liar (TV-play), 2001
Night at the cordon, 2001
Dedication to Eve (TV-play), 2003
Tutchev’s Last Love (TV-play), 2003
Golden Head at the Split, 2004
Brejnev, 2005
Old Bulgarians’ Saga, 2005
Officers, 2006
St.Patrick’s Secret, 2008
House on the Ozernaya, 2009

1970s – Literature program on Pushkin’s poems “When the fortune reaches me”
2003 – Orpheus Radio (300 years of St Petersburg’s novel by Pushkin “Bronze horseman” and “Gifts to St Petersburg” by Blok, Akhmatova, Mayakovskiy, Bertgolz and Pushkin)
2006 г. – L.Tolstoy’s “Knyaz Andrey” radio play (Radio Rossii)

Happy Meetings (1985)
Days after days (2004, autobiography)