Vladimir Kolchin

Vladimir Kolchin was born on May 15, 1917.He graduated from the Theatre School named after BV Shchuki in 1941.He worked in the theater of Eugene Vakhtangov from 1937 to 1971.

2nd officer (Oleko Dundich, 1942)
Guardsman (Cyrano de Bergerac, 1942)
Adjutant Gorlov (Front, 1942)
Vanya and 1st Sailor (Fortress on the Volga, 1949)
Shubnikov Vitenka (First joy, 1950)
Medvedenko (Seagull, 1954)
Eugene Alenushkin (City at the dawn, 1957)
Artemiev (Living Corpse, 1962)
Wise man (Princess Turandot, 1963)
Corporal (Cinderella, 1966)
White Guard officer (Red Cavalry, 1966)

Tractor operators, 1939
Youth of officers, 1939
Brother of the hero, 1940
Native fields, 1944
It was in the Donbass, 1945
Return of Vasili Bortnikov, 1952
Swedish Match, 1954
Prologue, 1956
And if this is love?, 1961
Two Lives, 1961
Shot in the Fog, 1963
Executed at dawn, 1964
The very last day, 1972
Screen Star, 1974
I do not want to be an adult, 1982