Anna Danilovich

Anna M. Danilovich was born on August 30, 1908.She graduated from the Vakhtangov school in 1933.Anna worked in the theater of Eugene Vakhtangov from 1935 to 1982.During1942-1945 she played at  the front branch of the Vakhtangov theater and went to him and the Army in the Rzhev on to Berlin.The master stage of the episode, she has always created a bright, juicy, memorable character. Sometimes it is a momentary stay on the stage accompanied by laughter and applause – so mischievous, funny, and clearly she played her old women, little girls, maids, courtiers, servants and peasants.Anna M. Danilovich passed away on January 24, 1989.

Dancer (Intervention, 1933)
(The Human Comedy, 1934)
Ursula (Much noise about nothing, 1936)
Dependents (Man With a Gun, 1937)
The Duchess (Don Quixote, 1941)
Roxana Duenna (Cyrano de Bergerac, 1942)
Lady (Hamlet, 1958)
Aunt Sally (The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, 1958)
French canary (Foma Gordeev, 1956)
Granny Sergei (Two Sisters, 1957)
1st guest (Idiot, 1958)
Anelia (Ladies and Hussars, 1960)
The lady in court (The Living Corpse, 1962)
Baba (Alex Berezhnoi, 1962)
Laundress (West, 1965)
Refugee (Red Cavalry, 1966)
Hanger (The Wise Man Stumbles, 1968)
Peasant (Puss in Boots, 1974)
Siniora Dzampy (Great Magic, 1979)
Nurse Mary Efimovna (Anna Karenina, 1983)

Much Noise About Nothing, 1956
Even a Wise Man Stumbles (photoplay), 1971
Irkutsk Story (photoplay), 1973
Red Cavalry (photoplay), 1975
Doctor of Philosophy (photoplay), 1976
Great magic (photoplay), 1980