Maxim Grekov

Maxim I. Greeks was born on December 11, 1922.Before the war he was one of the organizers of the famous Arbuzov studio, where together with Alexei Arbuzov, Alexander Galich and Valentin Pluchek created the brightest piece of Soviet drama “City of the dawn”.During the war he was a guerrilla fighter, scout, and fought with Zinovy Gerdt.In 1949 he graduated from the Theatre School named after BV Shchukin, the corse of Anna Orochko.He worked in the Theater Eug. Vakhtangov from 1948 to 1965.The charming lyrical comedian, he bribed his audience by subtle irony, sincerity and joie de vivre. Movie goers remember its fun-legged shoeshine boy in the film Michael Kalika “Man going after the sun.”In 1964 he came with a group of artists to atomic scientists town at Dubna. Waiting for the concert he swam in a small pool and lately noticed the inscription: “Swimming is prohibited! Radioactivity!”

Several months later Maxim Grekov died of radiation sickness. He was 42 years old.

Methodius (the first of joy, 1950)
Speed (Two Gentlemen of Verona, 1952)
Andrew Kuzmich (No happiness without sadness, 1954)
Finch (City at the dawn of 1957)
Denis (Irkutsk Story, 1959)
The usurer (Small Tragedy, 1959)
Korotkov (Living Corpse, 1962)
Truffaldino (Princess Turandot, 1963)

Complicity in the murder (photoplay), 1964
Goodbye, boys!, 1964
Man going after the sun, 1961
Hearts must burn (photoplay), 1960
City at dawn (photoplay), 1959
The Mexican, 1955
As Gianni went to hell, 1956