

2 hours 50 minutes with 1 intermission

One of the outstanding Russian playwrights Alexander Ostrovsky created 47 original plays of different genres: from tragedy to comedy to drama sketches. The development of the Russian drama depended on Ostrovsky a lot. Once Ivan Goncharov (a famous Russian novelist and censor) wrote to Ostrovsky: «Now you’ve accomplished the structure of Russian drama which was founded by Fonvizin, Griboyedov, Gogol. It’s only since the appearance of your plays we, Russians, can claim proudly: «We have a Russian national theatre».

It would be a hard task: to find a Russian dramatist with such a variety of performances. Written in the 19th centuary his plays entered the third millennium. But what attracts the XXI centuary theatre in these plays? Now a young director Ulanbek Bayaliev is staging «The Storm». What a spectrum of different stage versions of the play in different times! And what shall we see now?

First night is scheduled to March, 25 at the New Stage of the Vakhtangov Theatre.

The play is recommended for audiences over 16 years old (16+).

New Stage

Premiere was on 25 March 2016

Characters & Cast:

Savil Prokofievitch Dikoy,
a merchant, and personage of importance in the town
Aleksandr Gorbatov
Boris Grigorievitch,
his nephew, a young man of good education
Leonid Bichevin
Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabaniha),
a rich merchant's widow
Olga Tumaikina
Tihon Ivanitch Kabanov,
her son
Pavel Popov
Sergey Volkov
his wife
Eugenia Kregzhde
sister of Tihon
Polina Chernyshova
Olga Borovskaya
a man of artisan class, a self-taught watchmaker, engaged in trying to discover the secret of perpetual motion
Yury Kraskov
Vania Kudriash,
a young man, clerk to Dikoy
Eugeny Pilugin
Pavel Yudin
a pilgrim woman
Evgeny Kosyrev
a maid servant in the Kabanovs' house
Liubov Korneva
Oksana Surkova
An Old Dog Anatoliy Menshchikov
Сat Vitalys Semenovs


Director Ulanbek Bayaliev
Set designer Sergey Avstrievskih
Costumes Olga Nesterenco
Music Faustas Latenas
Lighting Designer Narek Tumanyan