Nikolay Plotnikov

People’s Artist of the USSR, the USSR State Prize LaureateNikolay Sergeevich Plotnikov was born on 23 October (5 November) 1897 in Vyazma, Smolenskaya province.Plotnikov started his artistic career in 1920 (according to the other sources, in 1919) at the troupe of the Vyazma People’s Theatre.He studied at the Moscow Art Theatre Studio. Since 1922 — an actor of the 4th Moscow Art Theatre Studio.1933-1936 — an actor of the Moscow Theater of the Revolution.1936-1937 — of the Central Academic Theatre of the Russian ArmyHe worked at the Vakgtangov Theatre from 1938 till 1979 (off and on).He also taught at GITIS (1932-1951), VGIK (1937-1939), acting school at the film studio “Mosfilm” (1935-1937), was given a professor degree in 1946.N.S. Plotnikov lived for 81 year. 60 of those years he worked on the stage and 41 year on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theatre. Nikolay Plotnikov undoubtedly is one of the Vakhatangov Theatre great actors’ pleiad.N.S. Plotnikov had all possible in the Soviet Union actor titles. In 1933 he became the Honored Artist of RSFSR, in 1966 — the People’s Artist of the USSR.In 1980 in his hometown Vyazma there appeared a street named after Nikolay Plotnikov, and on the building of the People’s Theatre a memorial plate was placed.N.S. Plotnikov have staged approximately 30 performances at different theatres.In 1940 he staged “Taras Bulba” written by Gogol at the Vakhtangov Theatre.Nikolay Sergeevich Plotnikov died on 3 February 1979.

In 1947 he was awarded with the State Stalin Prize for the film “The Vow” by Mikhail Chiaureli.
In 1970 , jointly with Yuriy Yakovlev and Nikolay Gritsenko, got the State Prize for one of the best performances in the history of the Vakhtangov Theatre — “Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man” (directed by A. Remizova).
For his 75th and 80th birthday Nikolay Sergeevich Plotnikov was awarded with two Orders of Lenin recognizing his distinguished theatre service.

Shmaga (Guilty without Guilt, 1939)
Cossack (The Path to Victory, 1939)
Zemlyanika (The Government Inspector, 1940)
Ivan Lautin (The Teacher, 1940)
Pavlin (Yegor Bulychov and Others, 1941)
Rembo (Field-Marshal Kutuzov, 1941)
Remenyuk (A soldier Was Going Home, 1941)
Shkuro (Oleko Dundich, 1942)
Kozlovskiy (Russian People, 1942)
Krikun (The Front, 1942)
Truffaldino (Servant of Two Masters, 1943)
Loriot (Mamzelle Nitouche, 1944)
Vasiliy Shuyskiy (The Great Tzar, 1945)
Shulga (Molodaja Gvardia, 1948)
Joe Keller (All My Sons, 1948)
Pavlischev (A Fiery Stream, 1949)
Gennari (Missouri Waltz, 1950)
Javert (Les Mis?rables, 1950)
Lenin (The Man with a Gun, 1954)
Shamraev (The Seagull, 1954)
Shkuro (Oleko Dundich, 1955)
Taras Mayakin (Foma Gordeev, 1956)
Vasiliy Fyodorovich (Alone, 1956)
Lenin (Big Cyril, 1957)
Polonius (Hamlet, 1958)
Leporello (The Little Tragedies, 1959)
Sliva Grandfather (The Cook, 1959, The Married Cook, 1961)
Serdyuk (Irkutsk Story,1959 A. Arbuzov)
Grazianskiy (The Russian Wood, 1961)
Doctor (The Living Corpse, 1962)
Domitian (The Diona, 1963)
Boroda (The Planet of Hope, 1966)
Krutitskiy (Enough Stupidity in Every Wise Man, 1968)
Kamshatov (The Coronation, 1969)
Volzhanin (The Man with a Gun, 1970)
Mefodiy (The Steps of the Commander, 1972)
Nuri (A Woman Behind the Green Door, 1973)
Korshunov (What Men Live By, 1978)

“Taras Bulba” by N. Gogol, 1940

Men and Jobs, 1932
The Only Joy, 1933
Rising of the Stones, 1934
The Dreamers, 1934
Enemy Passages, 1935
The Generation of Winners, 1936
The Lonely White Sail, 1936
Paris Dawns, 1937
Lenin in 1918, 1938
V lyudyakh, 1939
The Oppenheim Family, 1939
Moi universitety, 1940
The Marriage, 1944
The Oath, 1946
Marite, 1947
Academician Ivan Pavlov, 1947
The Stalingrad Battle, 1947
The Fall of Berlin, 1950
This Must Not Be Forgotten / Least We Forget, 1954
The Prologue, 1956
Nine days of one year, 1962
Your Contemporary, 1967.
N.S. Plotnikov co-directed the film “The Oppenheim Family”.