Nonna Grishaeva

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Was born in Odessa on July 21.

Played her first role at the age of 10 in Odessa Theater of Operetta. Studied in Odessa School of Ballet, Musical School in the Class of Vocal. Graduated from B.V. Schukin Theater School in 1994, course of V.V. Ivanov.

In the same year was admitted to the company of Evg. Vakhtangov Theater.

Since 2009 she has been an actress of comedy theater “Quartet I”. “Creative individuality of Nonna Grishaeva is a bright expression of youth style of Vakhtangov Theater. She is an artist who, first of all, mastered the traditions of old theater school and at the same time absolutely open to the modern culture, its rhythms, all its trends and manifestations. She is an artist brilliantly fitting the picture of new world with its cult of staginess, commerce and PR technologies, advertising clips and fashion shows, television series, non-repertory theaters, and fashion castings”. (A. Anufrieva). Official site of Nonna Grishaeva

Musicles: ” The Witches of Eastwick “, “Zorrо”, “Sharp-toothed nanny”
“Radio Day”, “Election Day”, “Faster than bunnies” (“Kvartet I”)
Woman above us (Variety Theatre)

Risk without a contract, 1992
The First Strike, 1996
Countess Monsoro, 1997
Place on Earth, 2001
Secret Force, 2002
Bachelors, 2004 (Series)
My fair nanny, 2004 (Series)
Hope goes last, 2004 (Series)
Landysh Serebristy, 2005 (Series)
Lyuba, children and the plant 2005 (Series)
Utyosov. Life-long song 2006 (Series)
Money day 2006
Azaris Nuna, 2006
Who is the head of the family? 2006 (Series)
Club 69, 2007
Bolshaya Raznitsa (parodies), since 2007
Election day, 2007
Radio day, 2008
Money day, 2008
Father’s daughters, 2009 (Series)
Na izmene, 2010
What men speak about, 2010
Troubadure 2010
All Included!, 2011
Karlson as he is , 2012
Serve the Soviet Union!, 2013
Detective Saveliev’s cordon, 2013

MK Theatre Award “For the best female tandem” 2005г. (Denise in “Mademoiselle Nitouche”).
Gaft’s “Figaro”, 2012