Vladimit Dmitriev

Honoured artist of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Stalin AwardTheatre artist V.V.Dmitriev was born 31 July 1900 in St.Petersburg. He started his artistic career in St.Petersburg’s theatres. 1920s were celebrated with the staged plays in Academic Drama Theatre, Mariinsky Theatre and Maly Opera House. In 1930-1940 he worked in a number of theatres, mainly in the Bolshoy. In 1941-1948 was the head artist of the Moscow Art Theatre. Dmitriev’s genuinly talented works were presented in a number of Moscow and Petersurg’s theatres but he fell seriously ill and died 6 May, 1948.

Yegor Bylichev and others, 1932
Dostigaev and others, 1933
Man with a gub, 1937
I am a son of the working nation, 1937
Fieldmarshal Kutuzov, 1940
Before the sunset, 1941
The storm, 1944
The last day, 1945
The road of victory, 1946
On the eve, 1948