
Writer - Sergey Plotov


Director - Anatoly Shuliev

2 hours 50 minutes with 1 intermission

AMADEUS is not about envy but about unrequited love.

Antonio Salieri promises God chastity and a modest life in exchange for the opportunity to become a famous composer. He is convinced that God agrees. Salieri truly becomes a talented and acknowledged composer. But he realizes that the gift of genius is given not to him, but to Mozart, an eccentric teenager. The name ‘Amadeus’ means the love of God, and this love is addressed to Mozart, not to Salieri.

It’s painful. Salieri declares the deal with God invalid and wishes to revenge by destroying Mozart.

God doesn’t make deals. The highest punishment for Salieri, all the long years of his life, was the painful understanding of the immortality of Mozart’s music.

Press quotes:

“The performance is the essence of Vakhtangov theatre art. “Amadeus” is brilliant, full of improvisation, addressed to modern audience. Austrian court, dancing and, of course, the divine Mozart music… The story of Mozart and Salieri is not just a historical episode, it is almost a myth. It raises many important questions: how to achieve happiness, how to make your life meaningful, what will remain of us” (Marina Raykina, “Moskovsky Komsomolets”)

“This performance aims to become one of the most popular plays. Everything works perfect here: wonderful company, magnificent scenography by Maxim Obrezkov and the great music. The smart directing by Anatoly Shuliev allows actors to express spectacular advantages of the Vakhtangov acting school” (Lev Yakovlev, “The Tuesday”)

“There’s an extravagant farce going on stage along with real drama. ‘Amadeus’ by Anatoly Shuliev is full of humor, it’s dashing, sparkling and cheerful. But the performance differs from vaudeville in it’s core, since it contains tragedy. Human tragedy” (Aurora Akopian, “Demon of Culture”)

“Duet of Alexey Guskov and Viktor Dobronravov is nothing but marvelous. Ice and fire, courtesy and roudness, modesty and arrogance… Two characters, two temperaments inspired by the divine music” (Ekaterina Archipova Bulova, “Аprilclub news”)

“Alexey Guskov makes his Salieri powerful and intriguing. The actor reigns on stage, filling the space with his temper. His Salieri is probably not the envious man who poured poison into his opponent’s glass. Not literally, at least. He is a strong personality. Salieri is talented and hardworking, disciplined and self-possessed. He devoted himself entirely to music. There is something demonic in this total immersion in the music” (Elena Bulova, “Moscow Truth”)

“Viktor Dobronravov performs Mozart as a rogue, reckless young genius. Mozart takes all he can and lives to the fullest with no limits, as if he could predict his early death. A wonderful romantic duet with Ekaterina Kramzina as Mozart’s wife is humorous, ironic and bright. But at the same time, Ekaterina Kramzina managed to develop her role: from funny and ridiculous girl who tries to seduce Salieri (in order to help her husband’s career) to a figure of sorrow that freezes with the body of the genius composer in her arms” (Elena Zhatko, “Theatre to Go”)

Main Stage

  • 19 February, Wednesday, 19:00

  • 8 March, Saturday, 19:00

  • 23 March, Sunday, 19:00

  • 21 April, Monday, 19:00

  • Ticket price: from 1100 to 9200 rub.

Premiere was on 7 March 2023

Characters & Cast:

Антонио Сальери Victor Dobronravov
Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт Ekaterina Kramzina
