Dina Andreeva

People’s Artist 

Andreeva Dina Andreevna was born 10 March, 1905. Worked in the Vakhtangov in 1925 — 1994. 

“Everything that Dina Andreeva does, is it an episode or a role, is full of vigorous living force, interest in the character’s life, each person on stage and in the audience. When she enters a room a wave of energy follows her. No one is able to stay calm while she is around. Her rehearsals are always very thorough, and she is very careful for details. She is not an excellent theorist but she she knows her sphere very well. She was a very strict and demanding teacher. Her struggle for a psychological truthfullness was really sincere. Sometimes she could comment on someone’s stupidity but all that was like a sports game. “Hey, what’s up?”  – and that is it. She will not leave you alone until you reach singularity in your image, voice and your movement”, said Veniamin Smekhov in his “Memoirs”. Dina Andreeva died 10 July, 1994

A tailor (Zoika’s Flat), 1928
Lady in green (Plot of feelings), 1929
Young neighbour (Intrigue and love), 1930
Varvara (Yegor Bylychev and other)s, 1932
Orlovskaya (Intervention), 1933
Klara (The Straw Hat), 1939
Maritornes (Don Quixote), 1941
Maryusya (The Front Line), 1942
Anna Vasilievna (On the Eve), 1948
Olga Ivanovna (The First Joys), 1950
M-me Mare (The 6th Floor), 1956
Anelya (Ladies and Hussars), 1960
Glimova (In Every Wise Man Enough Stupidity), 1968