Ivan Lobashkov

Ivan Lobashkov worked in the theater of Eugene Vakhtangov from 1918 to 1942.

Joseph (The Miracle of St. Anthony, 1921)
Fray Domingo (Comedies of Merime, 1924)
A man (Virineya, 1925)
Yefim Suponev (Badgers, 1927)
Smoker (Zoyka’s apartment, 1928)
1st tenant (Conspiracy of Feelings, 1929)
Mokei Bashkin (Egor Bulychov and others, 1932)
Pop Varfolomey (Aristocrats, 1935)
Father Francis (Much noise about nothing, 1936)
Agitator (Man With a Gun, 1937)
Christian Ivanovich Gibner (Examiner, 1939)