Valery Ushakov
Graduated from the Schukin Drama School in 2008 (сourse of V.V. Ivanov.).
The same year he entered the Vakhtangov Theatre company.
Graduated from the Schukin Drama School in 2008 (сourse of V.V. Ivanov.).
The same year he entered the Vakhtangov Theatre company.
Anna Karenina |
Ladies, gentlemen of high society, the Cadets, riders, guests, servants |
Bovary |
Apothecary Homais |
Concerto for an Actor |
И. Дунаевский, стихи Н. Агнивцева «Дымок от папиросы» Л. Гурченко, стихи Н. Векверт. «Алло, алло…» Р. Паулс, стихи И. Резника. «После праздника» П.И.Чайковский. Ария Германа из оперы «Пиковая дама» |
Eugene Onegin |
Neighbors of Larin family |
Flight |
The armoured train The stationmaster Paramon Il’itch Korzukhin Tikhiy Korzukhin The citizens |
Mademoiselle Nitouche |
Director of the Operetta |
New house |
Андзолетто |
Oedipus Rex |
Corinthian Messenger |
Pushkin Tales |
Stranger |
Stefan Zweig. Short novels |
Night (Amphitrion)
Peter (The Coast of Women )
Korablev (White Acacia)
Devil, Bourgeois (If you run after two hares…)
Ass (Hedgehog in the Fog)
Floridor, Theatre director (Mademoiselle Nitouche)
Young priest (The Queen of Spades)
Policeman (Frederick of the Crime Boulevard)
Alexander (Troilus and Cressida)
Piero (Дон Жуан и Сганарель)
Monfleri (Cyrano de Bergerac)
Admiral Kraig (Imperial hunt)
Penisty, Pyotr, monk (Measure for measure)
Kiprian, Innokentiy (Princess Ivona)
Mikele, Astley (“The old lady’s visit”, “Filumena Marturano”, “Игрок” The Нaven)
Kirillov (Demons)
Stepan Oblonsky (Anna Karenina)
Neighbor of Larin family (Eugene Onegin)
Don Jeronimo (Jealous of herself)
Paramon Il’itch Korzukhin, Tikhiy, The armoured train (FLIGHT)
The older brother of the Kid (“Carlson”, dir. Jeanne Girder), 2010
Four Loves (dir by Mirzoev), 2004
Turetsky’s March — 2 (series), 2007
Law and order (series), 2008
Fathers’s daughters (series), 2008
The locust (film-performance), 2008
Door, 2011
The Нaven (film-performance), 2011
The Coast of Women (film-performance), 2012
Troilus and Cressida (film-performance), 2013
Eugene Onegin (film-performance), 2013
The Queen of spades (film-performance), 2013
Brothers in exchange, 2013
Moscow. Three station, 2013