Young Guard (1948)

The premiere took place in 1948 . И. Zakhava showed the performance without any special effects, even somewhat too common, but with good acting works. The main luck was Oleg Koshevoy, Yury Lubimov, the best, admittedly, Koshevoy in Moscow, boyishly passionate and adamant.

Main Stage

Premiere was on 19 February 1948

Characters & Cast:

Oleg Koshevoy Yuriy Lubimov
Ulya Gromova Elena Korovina
Lyuba Shevtsova Galina Pashkova
Ninа Ivantsova Larisa Pashkova
Segey Tyulenin Vyacheslav Dugin
Ivan Zemnukhov Alexander Grave
Evgeniya Fomina Natalya Mass


Production Boris Zakhava
Decorator Boris Schuko
Владимир Богаткин
Music Aleksandr Golubtsev