Alexander Grave

People’s Artist of RussiaAlexander K. Grave was born on September 8, 1920.In 1942. he graduated from the Theater School B.V. Shchukin,. A.A. Orochko course. .In the same year he was accepted into the troupe Theater .Eug. Vakhtangov.Since 1998 he was the professor of skill of the actor in Theater School BV Shchukin.Grave took most of the war at the front branch of the Vakhtangov theater, crossed the Dnieper, received the Order, the victory had met in Berlin. Then again he came out on stage native theater, which he served until his death. The great masters worked with him: first favorites of Vakhtangov, then-  students students. There was radio and television, animation, and the Shchukin School in his life. His intelligent look was widely used in cinema – his soft features, wise eyes, slightly ironic tone.Alexander K. Grave died on March 5, 2010.

Order of the Patriotic War

Villager (I am the son of working people, 1938)
Young Worker (Road to Victory, 1939)
Christian (Cyrano de Bergerac, 1942)
Officer (Mademoiselle Nitouche, 1944)
Martynov (Reporting to the time, 1946)
Zemnuhov (Young Guard, 1948)
Erastus (The heart is not a stone, 1948)
Meshcheryakov (Fire River, 1949)
Astakhov (Fortress on the Volga, 1949)
Ganefeld, a lawyer (Before Sunset, 1954)
Captured soldiers Makushkin (Man With a Gun, 1954)
1st officer (Oleko Dundich, 1955)
Sergei Nikolaevich (Yes, here it is-love, 1955)
Yezhov (Foma Gordeev, 1956)
Fetisov (Two Sisters, 1957)
Rosencrantz (Hamlet, 1958)
Totsky (The Idiot, 1958)
Brown (Gotterdammerung, 1960)
Grzegorz (Ladies and Hussars, 1960)
Ben Zachary (Dion, 1965)
Moustache (Planet of Hope, 1966)
King (Cinderella, 1966)
Basil (Virineya, 1967)
Master of Philosophy (The Bourgeois Gentleman, 1969)
Makushkin (Man With a Gun, 1970)
Efron (Antony and Cleopatra, 1971)
King (Puss in Boots, 1974)
Journalist (Unfinished Dialogue, 1976)
Edward the fourth (Richard the third, 1976)
The presiding officer (Chairman of the Thirteenth, 1979)
Waffles (Leshy, 1979)
Unknown (Mary Tudor, 1985)
My father’s wife (cabinet History, 1986)
Doctor (The Ides of March, 1991)
Nicephorus Kondratievich Vyazemsky (You are our Sovereign, Father, 1991)
The old servant Feropont Fomich (Royal Hunt, 2002)
Antoine, Assistant Director (Frederick Boulevard or offenses, 2003)
Senekt (Caligula, 2004)
Count Ludovico (Dog in the Manger, 2006)
Nestor (Troilus and Cressida, 2008)

New Moscow, 1938
Troubled economy, 1946
They were the first, 1956
Quiet Flows of the Don, 1958
Free Wind, 1961
Barrier of unknown, 1961
Silence, 1964
Friends and years, 1965
Chronicle of a dive bomber, 1967
Indian kingdom, 1967
Zosia, 1967
Blow! Another blow!, 1968
Gold, 1969
Incredible Jegudiel Chlamys, 1969
The family as a family, 1970
Two Smiles, 1970
Earth, on demand, 1972
Every evening after work, 1973
My fate, 1974
Ladies and Hussars, 1976
The waves of the Black Sea, 1976
Appointment, 1980
In a dangerous level, 1983
End of Operation “Resident”, 1986
Chicherin, 1986
Tale of the painter’s lover, 1987
Black Square, 1992
Kings of spying for Russia: Murder Buturlin, 1994
Playing bracelets, 1998

Song of the mouse, 1967
Zhiharka (Cat), 1977
Uncle Au (from the author), 1979