Anatoliy Borisov

Honoured artist of the RF, Professor A.I.Borisov was born 29 September, 1911 in Moscow. In 1937 graduated from the Schukin Drama School. Worked in the Vakhtangov on 1937-1986, since 1958 – a professor and a n artistic director of 5 courses. He played a great number of roles – peasants, servants, alcoholics, guardians, jews, Red Army men, kings and others. He brought up such famous actors as A.Mironov, M.Vertinskaya, B.Chmelnitskiy, V.Sharykina, V.Lepko, N.Volkov, Y.Volyntsev, O.Yakovleva, Y.Steblova, V.Malyavina, N.Seleznyova, V.Zozulin, G.Yatskina, O.Barnet, M.Vaskov, Y.Ivochkina and many others. He died 11 September, 1986.

Joseph (The Human Comedy), 1934
A fireman (Man with a Gun), 1937
A capuchin (Cyrano de Bergerac), 1942
Shayametov (The Front Line), 1942
1st policemen captain (The First Joys), 1950
An old man (The Idiot), 1958
A gypsy (Irkutsk Story), 1959
Ivan (Little Tragedies), 1959
Rembo (Ladies and Hussars), 1960
A young lawyer (A Living Corpse), 1962
A wiseman (Turandot), 1963
2nd doorman (Cinderella), 1966
Dercet (Antony and Cleopatra), 1971
Lord-Mayor of London (Richard III), 1976