Elena Ponsova

People’s Artist of the RSFSRYelena Dmitrievna Ponsova was born on 14 May 1907.In 1928 graduated from the Schukin Theatre School.From 1925 till 1966 worked at the Vakhtangov Theatre.Since 1934 she taught at the Schukin Theatre School.Yelena Dmitrievna Ponsova always played cheerful, mischievous, somewhat eccentric people, who loved life passionately and knew its value. She was just the same in her real life. She loved humour, parties, she loved all aspects of life. However, despite her charisma and easiness, Yelena Dmitrievna was highly disciplined person and sometimes was even too strict with her stage partners. She couldn’t bear being late to rehearsals, ignorance of text and confusion on the stage. With all these she could get downright angry and give a telling-off.Yelena Ponsova went out on the stage when she was in her first year at the Theatre School. At first she was given walk-on parts, then boys, and shortly after – old women. It was an old woman that she started her career with, she played Mokyeikha in “Virineya” performance. Her uncommonly brilliant comic talent, truthfulness of the everyday life, bold pattern of playing made her one of the best character actresses on Moscow’s stages.Y.D. Ponsova was a master of parody, she could easily imitate any man she had seen before. When Yelena Dmitrievna performed sketches, noticed by her at the tube or behind the scenes at theatre, they were real one-man shows. Apparerntly, it was this faculty that helped her to dub three absolutely unlike characters in the cartoon “Wild Swans”. That was her complete triumph, after which “Soyuzmultfilm” Studio tended to her every need.She read the author text excellently in “Toptyzhka”, directed by Fyodor Khitruk. One day she suddenly said that she knew exactly how to dub a chamber-pot. “How? How? Elena Dmitrievna tell us, please!” young actors asked her. “No-no-no! I thought this up and will save it up till there is such a role,” she answered. However the secret of a chamber-pot was not opened.Yelena Dmitrievna Ponsova died on 30 July 1966.

Mokyeikha (Virineya, 1925)
Zobunova (Yegor Bulychev and others, 1932)
Marusya the Cossack (The Aristicrats, 1935)
Grandma Liza (The Man with a Gun, 1937)
Wife of Luka Lukich Khlopov (The Government Inspector, 1939)
Antoniya (Don Quixote, 1941)
Roxanne’s duenna (Cyrano de Bergerac, 1942)
Head of the boarding school (Mamzelle Nitouche, 1944)
Beggar woman (On the Eve, 1948)
Olga Ivanovna (The First Joys, 1950)
The Unfortunate Misfortune (He who fears difficulties won’t see happiness, 1954)
Mosevna (At the Golden Bottom, 1955)

Zaklyuchonnye, 1936
The Marriage, 1944
The Happy Voyage, 1949
The Government Inspector, 1952
The Road, 1954
Life Has Passed By, 1958
The Overcoat, 1959
Shtrafnoy udar, 1963
Monday is a Hard Day, 1963
A Nasty Story, 1965
Gadyuka, 1965
Yegor Bulychev and others, 1971