Evgeny Karelskih

People’ Artist of the Russian Federation.

Graduated from  B.V.  Schukin Theater  School  in 1968, course of  A.A. Orochko.

In 1967 employed in Vl. Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theater.

In 1970 admitted to the company of  Evg. Vakhtangov Theater.

“As for the eternal question of how to play classics, the actor’s answer is not peremptory but quite specific: “It is necessary to search for new forms and, may be, return to the old ones. Perhaps one should stage classics as it is written? It is very difficult.” Now the repertory of Evgeny Karelskikh includes only classical roles and he tries to play them just in that way regardless of what sophisticated forms are sometimes offered by directors”. (M. Gaevskaya) 

Honour Award, 1996

Veremeev (The Youth of the Theatre)
Sergey (The Irkutsk story)
Ulin (The thirteenth chairman)
Sergey Gorlov (The front line)
Sintsov (Half-page sitrep)
Rub’s lawyer (Gospoda Glembajevi)
Sam (Lady without camellias)
Diomed (Antony and Cleopatra)
George (Richard III)
Matvey Ivanov (Stepan Razin)
Stepan Glebov (Sire our Lord)
Chopin (Summer in Noan)
Count, Mozart (Little Tragedies)
Dabce teacher (The Bourgeois Gentleman)
Pantalome (Turandot)
Chruschov (The Wood demon)
Muromsky (The Deal)
Levin (Anna Karenina)
Knight Myshkin (The Idiot)
Kazanova (Kazanova’s three ages)
Bpgoyavlensky (The little boar)
Mareshal (Be God with you)
Senektus (Caligula)
Venice’s doge (Отелло)
Surin, old man, Sent-Jermene, Chekalinsky (The queen of spades)
Stepan Ivanov Sheshkovsky, secretary of the Secret expedition (Royal Hunt)
Nil Dudukin (Guilty without fault)
Tarakanov (Just People)
Alfred Ill (“The Old lady’s visit” The Haven)
Governor Lembke (Demons)
Kochkarev (Marriage)
Resident of the village of Mishkin (Smile at us, O Lord)

Stars and soldiers, 1968
One more time about love, 1968
One day and the whole life, 1969
Via Moscow, 1970
Step over the threshold, 1970
Just family, 1970
Nyurka’s life, 1971
Investigation Held by Experts. The Deal 5, 1972
Irkutsk story, 1973
A letter from adolescence, 1973
I serve in the border control , 1973
Internal call, 1973
At the age of 18 (film/play), 1974
My mocking happiness (film/play), 1975
Spring draft, 1975
Martin Iden (film/play), 1976
Memorial, 1976
Fire of the childhood, 1976
Independent opinion, 1976
Black birch, 1977
Man with a gun (film/play), 1977
Summer in Noan (film/play), 1978
Screwtape, 1979
The time has chosen us , 1979
Gospoda Glembajevi(film/play), 1979
The idiot (film/play), 1979
Puss in boots (film/play), 1979
Antony and Cleopatra(film/play), 1989
The Guest (short), 1980
Seaman have no questions, 1980
Per aspera as astra, 1980
This fanrastic world. 3rd edition (film/play), 1980
Richard III (film/play, 1982
The ocean before us, 1983
Quarantine, 1983
I will never forget about you, 1983
Internal call, 1973-83
Manka, 1984
Snow in July, 1984
The swing of wings, 1986
The proofers, 1987
The thirteenth chairman (film/play), 1987
Secret of the golden watch, 1988
Smart man from Hippos, 1990
The General, 1992
Dancing ghosts, 1992
The things of life, 1992
Trapped Judge, 1999
Mine workers, 1999
The safe line, 2001
Mask and soul, 2002
Witch’s Recipe, 2003
Cherubim, 2004
BAgI, 2011