Gracious Sovereign, our father… (1991)

This was the second production by Petr Naumovich Fomenko in the Vakhtangov Theatre. (In 1988 Petr Naumovich put the performance “The Deal” by A. Sukhovo-Kobylin on the stage). The scenes from F. Gorenstein’s play were put as the “big” performance close to the heavy esthetics of the sixties. In the story of Russian cabals spectators caught the signs of today. But the most important things for the stage director were neither today’s coincidences nor the horrors of the Petr’s times, but Petr and Alexey themselves. M. Sukhanov in the role of Petr was tough, smart, ruthless, with sharp eyes and low voice. He looked tired, sick but saw everything through and his calm grip was a grip of steel. Alexey portrayed by S. Makovetskiy, was infantile, artless, ambitious, simply not cut out to be a king. Having sold everyone and being sold by everyone, hating his father for his strength and pining with pity on himself, Alexey was miserable, but not disgusting, so full and enlightened by love to his simple-minded Aksinyushka (D. Mikhailova) he was. Was that by long arm of the stage director or by the actor, but not just a man small and weak was forgiven, this is traditional, but a man nefarious and mean, just because he is a human.

Main Stage

Premiere was on 1 September 1991

Characters & Cast:

The cast

Pyotr Alekseevich
the Emperor
Maksim Sukhanov
Yekaterina Alekseevna
the Empress
Elena Sotnikova
Aleksey Petrovich
successor to the throne
Sergey Makovetskiy
Marya Alekseevna
tsaverna, Emperor’s sister
Elena Ivochkina
Yevdokiya Fyodorovna
the former tsaritsa, Empreror’s first wife, nun Elena
Agnessa Peterson
Pyotr Alekseevich Tolstoy
head of the secret office, head of the secret police
Viktor Zozulin
Mariya Danilovna Gamilton,
Empress’s maid of honour
Marina Esipenko
Ivan Mikhaylovich Orlov,
Emperor’s valet
Alexander Pavlov
Aleksey Petrovich’s lover
Darya Mikhailova
Olga Chipovskaya
Stepan Bogdanovich Glebov,
mayor of the guard regiment, Evdokiya Fedorovna’s lover
Evgeny Karelskih
Nikifor Kondratievich Vyazemskiy,
Aleksey Petrovich’s tutor
Alexander Grave
Yakov Ignatov
протопоп, Aleksey Petrovich’s confessor
Vyacheslav Dugin
Alexander Kikin,
the former Emperor’s valet, admiralty’s official
Eugeniy Shershnev
Mikhailo Bosiy
a pietist
Dmitry Kravtsov
guard captain
Vladimir Koval
Anatoliy Vasilevich Makarov,
chamber secretary of Peter the Great
Oleg Forostenko
Knight Mescherskiy
guard lieutenant
Andrey Yaroslavtsev
Anna Kremer
freulein Hamilton’s housekeeper
Natalia Moleva
freulein Hamilton’s parlormaid
Inna Alabina
Vasiliy Semyonov,
a groom
Andrey Yaroslavtsev
Feofan Prokopovich
Pskov’s bishop
Anatoly Katsynsky
Larion Dokukin,
Eugeniy Shershnev
monastery scribe
Andrey Yaroslavtsev
Andrei Zaretskiy
Count Shenborn
Austrian vice-Chancellor
Igory Lagutin
referent-messenger of the Austrian emperor
Alexander Galevsky
Count Daun
Napolitan vice-King
Harry Dunts
Napolitan vice-King’s secretary
Eugeny Fedorov
Fon Vejik
a Polish resident
Vladimir Vikhrov
Feofilakt Shapskiy,
fool, hangman, knutmeister
Mikhail Vaskov
Yulia Rutberg
A woman Olga Gavriluk
Fools, beggars, singers Mikhail Vaskov
Olga Gavriluk
Andrei Zaretskiy
Dmitry Kravtsov
Yulia Rutberg
Eugeniy Shershnev
Andrey Yaroslavtsev

Ivan Afanasyev the SeniorHarry Dunts
I.Afanasyev the JuniorAnatoliy Menshchikov


Staging Petr Fomenko
Decorator Mariya Danilova
Costumes Pavel Kaplevich
Music Tatiana Agaeva